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Master of Development Studies (Gender and Development) (097GD) // Course structure
About this course
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- Contact Stop 1
Dr Nadeem Malik
Email: malikn@unimelb.edu.au
Course structure
200 Point program
Duration: 2 years full-time / up to 4 years part-time.
The Masters of Development Studies (Gender and Development) 200 point program requires:
Coursework Only Option
- eight compulsory subjects (100 points)
- elective subjects (100 points)
Minor Thesis Option
- eight compulsory subjects (100 points)
- minor thesis subject (50 points)
- elective subjects (50 points)
Please note the following:
Students enrolling in a minor thesis subject must consult the course coordinator with regard to the requirements and subject planning at an early stage in the first semester.
The minor thesis must be taken over two consecutive semesters.
150 point program
Duration: 1.5 years full-time / up to 3 years part-time.
The Masters of Development Studies (Gender and Development) 150 point program requires:
Coursework Only Option
- six compulsory subjects (75 points)
- elective subjects (75 points)
Minor Thesis Option
- six compulsory subjects (75 points)
- minor thesis subject (50 points)
- elective subjects (25 points)
Please note the following:
Students enrolling in a minor thesis subject must consult the course coordinator with regard to the requirements and subject planning at an early stage in the first semester.
The minor thesis must be taken over two consecutive semesters.
100 point program
Duration: 1 year full-time / up to 2 years part-time.
The Masters of Development Studies (Gender and Development) 200 point program requires:
- four compulsory subjects (50 points)
- elective subjects (50 points)
Please note: the minor thesis is available only in 200 or 150 point program
Capstone Requirement
All students are required to complete the Capstone Requirement for the program (25 points). Students must complete one capstone option -
Capstone Option 1: Co-requisites: DEVT90002 Internship in Development (12.5 points) and DEVT90001 Project Management & Design (12.5 points)
Purpose: An opportunity to acquire practical skills in development practice and project management and apply this knowledge to solve problems that arise in a professional context and develop an integrated understanding of knowledge and practice.
Capstone Option 2: GEND90004 Minor Thesis – Gender and Development (50 points)
Purpose: An opportunity to integrate knowledge and research skills to address a specific development research question.
Capstone Option 3: DEVT90041 Research Methods for Development (12.5 points) and DEVT90048 Research for Development (12.5 points)
Purpose: An opportunity to develop research skills and apply those skills in a workshop setting.
For policies that govern this degree, see Academic Services Policy in the University Melbourne Policy Framework. Students also should also refer to information in the Student Policy Directory.
Last updated: 12 February 2025