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Graduate Diploma in Psychology (340AA) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
About this course
Dr Simon Cropper
Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences
Professional accreditation
The Graduate Diploma in Psychology is accredited by the Australian Psychological Accreditation Council (APAC) as the equivalent of an undergraduate Psychology major.
Intended learning outcomes
100-level psychology subjects are designed to give students an overview of the study of psychology and provide grounding in the methodology of the discipline.
Mind, Brain and Behaviour 1 focuses on the workings of the individual from a psychological perspective. It includes detail of the neural components constituting the brain, the operation of the sensory systems underlying interaction with the external environment and the cognitive processes that construct the internal world experienced by the individual. Careful consideration will be given to the nature of this internal world and the importance of its relationship to the external world.
Mind, Brain and Behaviour 2 focuses on the development of the individual and their interaction with their environment and considers what the consequences are, both when this interaction proceeds smoothly and when it does not proceed smoothly. Questions concerning human development, giving attention to cognitive and to social-emotional aspects, are explored. An understanding of some basic issues in human development is complemented with an examination of the nature and development of personality and human interaction in social groups and cultural settings.
200 and 300 Level psychology subjects provide students with the opportunity to critically examine basic psychological concepts and theories in the areas of biological bases of behaviour, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, sensation and perception, and social and personality psychology. Students also develop skills in research methodology and data analysis. In the third year, students choose two electives which allow them to study an area of interest in depth.
Knowledge: Graduate Diploma in Psychology students should demonstrate:
- advanced knowledge and comprehension of Psychology’s major concepts, theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and empirical findings to consider how psychological principles apply to behavioural and societal problems;
- knowledge of the theoretical and empirical bases underpinning evidence-based approaches to psychological intervention.
Skills: Graduate Diploma in Psychology Students should be able to:
- apply knowledge of the scientific method in thinking about problems related to behaviour and mental processes;
- interpret, design, and conduct research studies to address complex psychological research questions;
- apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice;
- demonstrate effective writing and oral presentation skills to communicate psychological theories and research findings to academic, professional and lay audiences.
Application of knowledge and Skills: Graduate Diploma in Psychology students should be able to use their knowledge and skills to:
- describe applications of psychology and articulate how psychological principles can be used to explain social issues, address pressing societal needs, and inform public policy;
- apply psychological concepts and theories to issues in home, community and work-place settings;
- describe and execute problem-solving and research methods to propose effective solutions to problems of behavioural change in a range of contexts (e.g., workplace, global, etc.); develop and articulate evidence of attaining skill sets desired by psychology employers.
Generic skills
Upon completion of the Graduate Diploma in Psychology students should have developed the skills to:
- apply research and inquiry skills to challenges in workplaces and communities;
- create novel ideas by critically evaluating alternative possibilities and viewpoints;
- set their own goals, manage their time and priorities, and organise and direct their own learning;
- work effectively, both independently and collaboratively;
- provide evidence beyond personal opinion to support proposed solutions to problems;
- articulate and demonstrate a high regard for human rights, social inclusion, cultural diversity, ethics and the environment;
- reflect critically and apply skills in self and peer assessment; maintain a high-level of personal and professional integrity.
Graduate attributes
Upon completion of the Graduate Diploma in Psychology students should demonstrate the following graduate attributes:
- Specialist knowledge of psychology.
- Students should demonstrate a depth and breadth of knowledge of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in the core topics of psychology, as outlined by the National Accreditation Body (currently the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council).
- Advanced capacity for scientific reasoning, problem solving and research skills. Students should demonstrate advanced skills and concepts in interpreting the key factors underpinning behaviour, evaluating and drawing conclusions from research findings, and in applying research design principles to execute a clearly articulated and theoretically motivated research plan.
- Advanced understanding and application of ethical principles as they relate to psychological practice in a diverse world. Students should embody a deep understanding of and adherence to the regulations that govern ethical practice in psychology and display professional values that will help them work effectively with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds.
- Psychological literacy and effective communication skills.
- Students should be able to articulate cogent scientific explanations of psychological concepts, theories and research findings, and should be able to communicate these ideas effectively to professional and lay audiences in both written and oral formats.
Reflective thinking and interpersonal intelligence. Students should be able to apply psychological principles to enhance self-reflection, recognise and guard against the major fallacies of human reasoning, and collaborate effectively on group projects. They should develop work and study habits that sharpen readiness for employment, and/or further study.
Last updated: 18 December 2020