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Master of Property (MC-PROP2Y) // Notes
You’re currently viewing the 2017 version of this course
About this course
Email: piyush.tiwari@unimelb.edu.au
Melbourne School of Design
Currently enrolled students:
Future students:
- Further information: http://msd.unimelb.edu.au/
- Email: http://msd.unimelb.edu.au
Professor Piyush Tiwari
Students in this program may be eligible to undertake final subject assessment if they:
are in the final semester of their enrolment (not the last 50 points of the course); and
fail* a single subject worth up to 12.5 points with a final result of 40 - 49%.
* Receive an N or NH grade, except where that NH grade was awarded due to failure to participate in a component of assessment.
Last updated: 30 January 2024