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Biomolecules and Cells (BIOL10002) // Assessment
You’re currently viewing the 2017 version of this subject
Additional details
- a 20 minute, multiple choice test held mid-semester (5%);
- work related to practical classes during the semester with a combination of assessment of practical skills within the practical class, completion of 4 or 5 on-line pre-practical tests; written work within the practical not exceeding 500 words; and 4 or 5 short multiple choice tests (25%);
- completion of 5 Independent Learning Tasks throughout the semester (5%);
- a written assignment not exceeding 500 words (5%),
- a 3 hour examination on theory and practical work in the examination period (60%).
Satisfactory completion of practical work is necessary to pass the subject (i.e. an 80% attendance at the practical classes together with a result for the assessed practical work of at least 50%).
Last updated: 3 November 2022