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Risk Management and Public Participation (GEOG90020) // Assessment
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1. Book Review (20% of final grade): in the second week of class, students will be required to review one of 4 classic risk texts. This 900 word review will provide students with a foundation in risk management and/or public participation – should students wish to propose alternate texts they must be given approval from the coordinator. The guidelines for the book review will follow those common to academic journals (details in class and on the LMS). In the week following return of marked book reviews, we will discuss and debate the relevance of the books (and the associated arguments or concepts) to the subject.
2. Discussion Participation (worth 20% of final grade): each week, each student will contribute to a tutorial discussion. They will be responsible for reading the assigned text, and for developing a question for the group. Students will be assessed for the quality of their question, its connection to the theme and subject, and for their contribution to discussions following questions from other students.
3. Short essay (worth 20% of the final grade): Approximately at the mid-term, students will produce a short essay on an assigned topic (900 words). In ‘bullet point form’, this document will show how students would prepare and plan for their final exam essay; it will show their argument, rationale, and sources.
4. Final Take Home Essay (worth 40% of the final grade): This 1800 word final assessment will explore a risk management and public participation topic. It will require concise, clear writing and analysis. Students will have the option of using their empirical research (i.e., from their Masters work) should they wish. Topic and methodology will be chosen by the student, but in consultation and subject to the approval of the subject coordinator. This will be due following the SWOT vac.
All submissions subject to late penalties of 10% per day.
Last updated: 3 November 2022