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Spatial Visualisation (GEOM90007) // Assessment
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Semester 2
Dr Maria Vasardani
Description | Timing | Percentage |
One individual assignment on programming with R, equivalent to a report of 500 words, requiring approximately 12-14 hours work. Addresses the Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) 1 and 3. Due Week 4 (10%)
| Week 4 | 10% |
One individual assignment on programming with Processing, equivalent to a report of 500 words, requiring approximately 26-28 hours work. Addresses ILOs 1 and 3. Due Week 8 (20%)
| Week 8 | 20% |
Mid-semester test of 60 minutes. Addresses ILOs 1-3. Scheduled around Week 9 (25%)
| Week 9 | 25% |
Group-based deliverable (implementation and description) equivalent to a report of 1000 words per group describing their implementation, requiring approximately 34 hours of work per student. Addresses ILOs 1-3. Groups will consist of about 4 students. Due Week 14 (25%).
| During the examination period | 25% |
Group‐based deliverable (implementation and description) equivalent to a 1‐page individual participation report per student, requiring approximately 13 hours of work. Addresses ILOs 2 and 3. Due Week 14 (10%).
| During the examination period | 10% |
Group-based deliverable (implementation and description) equivalent to a 10 Minute oral presentation of the group project, requiring approximately 13-15 hours of work per student. Addresses ILOs 1-3. Due Week 12 (10%)
| Week 12 | 14% |
Last updated: 3 November 2022