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Foundations of Spatial Information (GEOM90008) // Further information
About this subject
Contact information
Semester 1
Semester 2
Dr Maria Vasardani
Further information
- Texts
Prescribed texts
There are no specifically prescribed or recommended texts for this subject.
- Subject notes
The subject is based on lectures conveying the foundations of spatial information, and in a parallel hands-on practice with Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Students develop strong skills in using GIS through online modules, individual mini-projects, and their own project in a team. They will also develop their critical 'reading' skills for the use of spatial information in the media, and thus sharpen their eye for cartographic visualization.
The students can install ESRI ArcGIS on their own computers via a campus licence, and enrol in ESRI online modules. Lectures are recorded (voice and slides). Students are highly encouraged to work on the ESRI online modules BEFORE semester start; access codes are provided on request.
Industry members are regularly invited for guest lectures.
- Related Handbook entries
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- Available through the Community Access Program
About the Community Access Program (CAP)
This subject is available through the Community Access Program (also called Single Subject Studies) which allows you to enrol in single subjects offered by the University of Melbourne, without the commitment required to complete a whole degree.
Please note Single Subject Studies via Community Access Program is not available to student visa holders or applicants
Entry requirements including prerequisites may apply. Please refer to the CAP applications page for further information.
Additional information for this subject
Subject coordinator approval required
Last updated: 3 November 2022