500 words each and requiring approximately 65 - 70 hours of work each (50%). These assignments will be executed in pairs, and are due in weeks 3, 6, 10, and 12 respectively. intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) 2 and 3 are addressed by the assignments
A two-hour end-of-semester examination (50%). ILOS 1-3 are addressed by the end-of-semester written exam.
Hurdle requirement: To pass the subject, students must obtain:
At least 50% overall;
At least 50% (25/50) in project work; and
At least 50% (25/50) in the written examination.
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) 2 and 3 are addressed by the three assignments and the pair project.
ILOs 1-3 are addressed by the end-of-semester written exam.