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Ecosystem Science
Bachelor of ScienceMajorYear: 2019
Ecosystem Science
The Ecosystem Science major focuses on the science and technologies associated with the function and management of ecosystems, via two specialisations in urban ecosystems and forest ecosystems. The major integrates knowledge from a range of disciplines including plant sciences, soil science, hydrology, ecology, design, engineering and the social sciences, by enabling students to complete a sequence of subjects in each specialisation. Students will also complete an integrated capstone subject in which they develop skills in site analysis, the collection, integration and analysis of data, and the evaluation and presentation of management plans. Students will gain to experience prepare them for the workplace by participating in group research projects and working groups.
Intended learning outcomes
Ecosystem Science major graduates:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the science underpinning ecosystem processes and function
- Describe the key environmental, social and economic challenges associated with the design and management of urban or forest ecosystems, including climate change, resource considerations, biodiversity conservation, urban densification, cultural values and management practices.
- Apply research and design skills to problem solving in ecosystem science, including the collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data and information
- Quantify, analyse and evaluate strategies and/or technologies used in urban or forest ecosystem management from biological, socio-ecological and technical perspectives
- Articulate the roles, functions and outcomes of ecosystem-management practices across disciplines, including the physical and social sciences
- Communicate an understanding of the science, technology and current issues in ecosystem science and management through academic, industry and community engagement activities
Last updated: 18 December 2020