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Informal specialisationYear: 2019
Contact information
Professor Paul Jensen
Currently enrolled students:
Future students:
The Faculty of Arts will not admit to honours a candidate who has previously graduated Bachelor of Commerce (honours or ordinary degree). This program is only available to students that have completed a Bachelor of Arts or equivalent. The honours year is an additional (fourth) year of specialised study in economics. It is an integrated program with small classes and an emphasis on research and specialised subject areas.
To be eligible for admission to honours in Economics students must have satisfied the requirements of the pass degree and completed a major in Economics (or equivalent) and obtain an average grade of at least H2B (70%) in each of the following third-year subjects or their equivalent:
ECON30009 Macroeconomics
ECON30010 Microeconomics
ECOM30002 Econometrics
Please note: ECOM30001 Basic Econometrics can meet entry requirements in place of ECOM30002 Econometrics in the 2017 and 2018 Honours intakes, but from the 2019 intake and onwards, ECOM30001 Basic Econometrics will no longer meet entry requirements for Honours (Economics).
Students are strongly advised to give early consideration to a topic for their fourth year research essay. They will need to obtain approval for it from an advisor during semester one of their fourth year.
Intended learning outcomes
See course objectives
Last updated: 31 January 2025