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Property Case Studies (ABPL30059) // Assessment
You’re currently viewing the 2019 version of this subject
Additional details
- Continuous Group Assessment (50%) comprising:(i) Group Report: Site Analysis including Planning Analysis Report (1000 words per student) due in week 5, 25%; (ii) Group Report: Market Analysis and Marketability Analysis Report (1000 words per student), due week 9 25%;
- Individual Assessment: Static feasibility study involving detailed calculation and substantiation of residual land valuation. Provision of detailed substantiation of all calculations; preparation of conclusions and recommendations (equivalent to 1000 words), 25%.
- Individual Assessment Task: completion of two (2) Individual Reflective Journals reflecting upon group project, team and individual performance (2X 250 words equivalent per students) due weeks 7 and 10, (10%);
- Individual Assessment Task: attendance at and participation in all seminars, presentations, studios and workshops for a total of 4 hours per week on the weekly scheduled teaching/tutoring day, for each of Weeks 1-12 inclusive, the 4-hour duration comprising 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon. Examples of participation include individual and group analysis of property related matters as preparation of staged feasibility reports, 10%
- Individual Assessment Task: weekly diaries 5%
Hurdle requirements:
1. Submission of all pieces of assessment
2. Minimum of 90% attendance at all seminars, studios, tutorials and workshops
Last updated: 31 October 2023