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Cities Without Slums (ABPL90279) // Assessment
You’re currently viewing the 2019 version of this subject
Additional details
1- Group research and presentations worth 40% in total including :
- Group Written Report: 3000 words (Team of 5), due last day of intensive week (15%);
- Group Presentation (20 minutes : presentation + Q&A), due last day of intensive week (20%);
- Peer and self assessment, due last day of intensive week (5%)
2- Individual Essays in total worth 60% including:
- Abstract: 250-word summary of the proposed essay, during the intensive week (5%);
- Individual Essay: 2500 words, topic is based on approved Abstract, due two weeks after the last day of intensive, (50%);
- Critical reflection, 250 words,due two weeks after the last day of intensive (5%).
Last updated: 3 November 2022