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Food & Water:Global Issues Local Impacts (AGRI30012)
Undergraduate level 3Points: 12.5Not available in 2019
About this subject
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Globally there is a broad range of issues identified as impacting on the future of our planet. These issues include climate change, water availability and quality, waste and recycling, energy, biodiversity, salinity and land degradation, biotechnology and genetically modified organisms, changing demographics, human and animal welfare issues. In order to bring about change globally these issues must be addressed at the regional and national level.
The long term future of our rural communities will depend on how we meet these challenges. This subject will explore these issues at the catchment level analysing how these issues impact on the catchment, practice change requirements, and develop strategies for decision making and implementation as well as critically evaluating environmental, social and economic implications of change.
Intended learning outcomes
At the completion of this subject students will be able to:
- Evaluate -- using available information sources on specific cases -- the impacts of increasing human populations, urbanisation and globalisation on prospects for sustainable agricultural production, food security and safety, and the health of human communities
- Understand and assess a wide range of policy alternatives to deal with evaluating environmental, social and economic change
- Investigate, assess and design a sustainable food system
Generic skills
This subject encompasses particular generic skills. On completion of the subject, students should have the:
• Capacity for independent critical thought, rational inquiry and self-directed learning and research
• Awareness of and ability to utilise appropriate communication technology and methods for the storage, management and analysis of data
• Capacity for creativity and innovation, through the application of skills and knowledge
• Ability to integrate information across a broad range of disciplines to solve problems in applied situations
• Highly developed written communication skills to allow informed dialogue with individuals and groups from industry, government and the community
• Ability to participate effectively as a member of a team
• Ability to plan work, use time effectively and manage small projects
Last updated: 15 February 2025