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Catalysis (CHEM90052)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 6.25Not available in 2019
You’re currently viewing the 2019 version of this subject
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Catalytic processes are ubiquitous in natural and synthetic systems. A firm base of knowledge on catalysis is an essential tool not only for students interested in synthesis but also those who seek a deeper understanding of biological and industrial processes. This subject provides an overview of catalysis. A range of catalytic processes will be discussed with emphasis on transition metal catalysis, organocatalysis and photocatalysis. Case studies involving biological and industrial processes will form part of the lecture series.
Intended learning outcomes
Students completing this subject should be able to:
- Define catalysis and different types of catalytic processes.
- Draw catalytic cycles.
- Discuss reaction parameters and scope.
- Identify and describe key biological and industrial processes involving catalysis.
- Increase student knowledge and understanding of chemical science
- Use investigative skills, critical thought and the ability to evaluate information and to analyse experimental data.
Generic skills
- advanced problem-solving and critical thinking skills
- an ability to evaluate the professional literature
- an understanding of the changing knowledge base
- a capacity to apply concepts developed in one area to a different context
- the ability to use conceptual models to rationalize experimental observations
Last updated: 3 November 2022