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Ore Textures & Breccias (GEOL90042)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 6.25Not available in 2019
You’re currently viewing the 2019 version of this subject
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The course is designed to provide practical tools for exploration field professionals to identify and describe ore textures and breccias in mineralised systems.
Intended learning outcomes
- This subject aims to equip students with discipline-specific knowledge and expertise appropriate for post-graduate research in the field;
- equip students with discipline-specific knowledge and expertise enabling them to take their place as professional geologists in industry or government organisations; characterize ore textures and identify different breccia textures; distinguish between infill and alteration textures;
- determine paragenetic sequences and recognize these textures in drill core; recognize vein and alteration styles in porphryry and related magmatic hydrothermal ore deposits; and understand the physical and chemical factors that affect the formation of porphyry and related magmatic hydrothermal deposits.
Generic skills
- Exercise critical judgement;
- undertake rigorous and independent thinking;
- adopt a problem-solving approach to new and unfamiliar tasks;
- develop high-level written report and/or oral presentation skills;
- interrogate, synthesise and interpret the published literature;
- work as part of a team.
Last updated: 3 November 2022