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Practice of Statistics & Data Science (MAST90027)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5Not available in 2019
About this subject
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This subject builds on methods and techniques learned in theoretical subjects by studying the application of statistics in real contexts. Emphasis is on the skills needed for a practising statistician, including the development of mature statistical thinking, organizing the structure of a statistical problem, the contribution to the design of research from a statistical point of view, measurement issues and data processing. The subject deals with thinking about data in a broad context, and skills required in statistical consulting.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of the subject, a student should:
- have developed their skills in the effective communication of statistical material, verbally and in writing;
- be aware of the key requirements of working as a practising statistician, and developed their ability to meet these requirements;
- have developed their understanding of the needs and characteristics of users of statistics, and learned about the important issues that arise in interactions between statisticians and their clients.
Generic skills
In addition to learning specific skills that will assist students in their future careers in science, they will have the opportunity to develop generic skills that will assist them in any future career path. These include:
- problem-solving skills: the ability to engage with unfamiliar problems and identify relevant solution strategies;
- analytical skills: the ability to construct and express logical arguments and to work in abstract or general terms to increase the clarity and efficiency of analysis;
- collaborative skills: the ability to work in a team;
- time-management skills: the ability to meet regular deadlines while balancing competing commitments.
Last updated: 3 November 2022