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End of Life Issues (POPH90259) // Assessment
You’re currently viewing the 2019 version of this subject
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Contact information
Term 3
Melbourne School of Professional and Continuing Education
Further Information: MSPGH Website
Academic Contact: l.gillam@unimelb.edu.au
Phone: + 61 3 8344 0149
Monday to Friday 8am to 9pm AEST/AEDT. Weekends and University of Melbourne observed Public Holidays 10am to 5pm AEST/AEDT.
Description | Timing | Percentage |
Contribution to small group activity with peers that involves observation, description, and analysis of ethical issues inspired by specific artworks. Weeks 2, 5 and 6 | During the assessment period | 10% |
Seven reflective discussion board posts (one per week for weeks 1-7) summarising learning from weekly learning activities (500 words in total – approximately 70 words per post on average)
| End of term | 10% |
Written reflective essay discussing an ethical issue in the context of end of life
| Mid term | 25% |
Structured peer review of another student's essay.
| Mid term | 5% |
Argumentative essay exploring an ethical issue for professionals working in the end-of-life.
| End of term | 50% |
Last updated: 3 November 2022