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Health Program Evaluation
Master of Public HealthInformal specialisationYear: 2020
Students specialising in Health Program Evaluation acquire knowledge and skills in both the theory and applied practice of the evaluation of health programs and public health interventions. The role of program evaluation in the conduct of public health programs is examined. There is a strong emphasis on broadening the roles of program evaluation to include program planning, design, implementation, or monitoring as the evaluative focus, as well as the more traditional impact evaluation. The importance of negotiation and planning of program evaluations with commissioners and stakeholders to enhance knowledge utilisation is stressed, and students develop skills in defining appropriate evaluation questions; applying a variety of data collection and analysis strategies; the effective reporting of evaluations; and developing different evaluation plans for pro-active, clarificative, interactive, monitoring and impact evaluation purposes. Students may choose to combine their study of Health Program Evaluation with the study of Economic Evaluation, as both represent important approaches to public health research and evaluation.
Intended learning outcomes
Last updated: 31 January 2025