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Graduate Diploma in Urban Horticulture (GD-URBHORT) // Course structure
You’re currently viewing the 2020 version of this course
About this course
Currently enrolled students:
- General information: https://ask.unimelb.edu.au
- Contact Stop 1
Future students:
- Further information: http://courses.science.unimelb.edu.au/study/degrees/graduate-diploma-in-urban-horticulture/overview
Stephen Livesley
Course structure
The course comprises 100 points, i.e one year of full-time study or equivalent part-time study.
Subject options
Graduate Diploma of Urban Horticulture
Students must complete the following four (50 points) of core subjects:
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
ERTH90028 | Urban Soils, Substrates and Water | Semester 2 (On Campus - Burnley) |
12.5 |
HORT90008 | Horticultural Plant Science | Semester 1 (On Campus - Burnley) |
12.5 |
HORT90004 | Plant Production and Establishment | Semester 2 (On Campus - Burnley) |
12.5 |
HORT90033 | Plants in the Landscape | Semester 1 (On Campus - Burnley) |
12.5 |
Student should choose the remainder of their subjects from the following elective choices:
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
ABPL90337 | Managing Urban Landscapes | July (On Campus - Burnley) |
12.5 |
ABPL90265 | History of Landscape Architecture | Semester 2 (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
AGRI90066 | Soil Science and Management | Semester 1 (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EVSC90025 | Water Sensitive Urban Design | February (On Campus - Burnley) |
12.5 |
FOOD90041 | The Politics of Food | Semester 1 (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
FOOD90033 | Sustainable Food: Policy and Practice | Semester 2 (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
FRST90033 | Farm Trees & Agroforestry | Semester 2 (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
FRST90034 | Ecological Restoration | August (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
HORT90011 | Therapeutic Landscapes | Not available in 2020 | 12.5 |
HORT90034 | Landscape Design | Semester 1 (On Campus - Burnley) |
12.5 |
HORT90035 | Landscape Construction and Graphics | Semester 2 (On Campus - Burnley) |
12.5 |
HORT90038 | Food Production for Urban Landscapes | Semester 1 (On Campus - Burnley) |
12.5 |
HORT90039 | Green Infrastructure for Liveable Cities |
Summer Term (On Campus - Burnley)
August (On Campus - Burnley)
12.5 |
AGRI90091 | Advanced Plant Breeding and Improvement | Semester 1 (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
HORT90042 | Managing Urban Trees | June (On Campus - Burnley) |
12.5 |
HORT90043 | Tree Identification and Selection | September (On Campus - Burnley) |
12.5 |
HORT90044 | Plant Health | November (On Campus - Burnley) |
12.5 |
HORT90046 | Designing Green Roofs and Walls | September (On Campus - Burnley) |
12.5 |
NRMT90002 | Biosecurity: Managing Invasive Species | Semester 2 (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
NRMT90003 | Social Research Methods | Semester 1 (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
Last updated: 18 December 2020