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Specialist Certificate in Ageing (SC-AGEING)
Specialist CertificateYear: 2020 Delivered: Online
About this course
Melbourne School of Professional and Continuing Education
Phone: + 61 3 8344 0149 Monday to Friday 8am to 9pm. Weekends and University of Melbourne observed Public Holidays 10am to 5pm.
Academic Contact: lena.gan@unimelb.edu.au
General information: https://ask.unimelb.edu.au
Lena Gan
Award title | Specialist Certificate in Ageing |
Year & campus | 2020 — Parkville |
Fees information | Subject EFTSL, level, discipline and census date |
Study level & type | Graduate Coursework |
AQF level | Non-AQF |
Credit points | 25 credit points |
Duration | 6 months part-time |
The Specialist Certificate in Ageing (SC-AGEING) is a nested award within the Master of Ageing course. The SC-AGEING is available to students wishing to take 25 credit points within the Master of Ageing coursework.
The SC-AGEING requires completion of two subjects (25 points) and is structured to suit individual needs and study preferences.
The SC-AGEING will not offer the opportunity to pursue the capstone subjects offered in the full 150 points Master of Ageing course. There is no advanced standing offered in the SC-AGEING. Hence, all students must complete 25 points of study to be awarded the SC-AGEING.
Last updated: 18 December 2020