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Performance 3 (MUSI20201) // Dates and times
For information about the University’s phased return to campus and in-person activity in Winter and Semester 2, please refer to the on-campus subjects page.
About this subject
Contact information
Semester 1
For all administrative enquiries, e.g. enrolment, class registration, special consideration:
For instrument/vocal specific questions (eg. NSIs, teacher allocations, ensemble allocations), please contact your head of area:
Keyboard: Ian Holtham
Voice: Stephen Grant
Strings and Harp: Curt Thompson and Rob Nairn
Woodwinds: Derek Jones
Brass: Don Immel and Carla Blackwood
Percussion: Peter Neville
Guitar: Ken Murray
For any other enquiries please contact the subject coordinator: Don Immel
Semester 2
For all administrative enquiries, e.g. enrolment, class registration, special consideration:
For instrument/vocal specific questions (eg. NSIs, teacher allocations, ensemble allocations), please contact your head of area:
Keyboard: Ian Holtham
Voice: Stephen Grant
Strings and Harp: Curt Thompson and Rob Nairn
Woodwinds: Derek Jones
Brass: Don Immel and Carla Blackwood
Percussion: Peter Neville
Guitar: Ken Murray
For any other enquiries please contact the subject coordinator: Don Immel
Dates & times
- Semester 1
Principal coordinator Don Immel Mode of delivery On Campus (Southbank) Contact hours One 1-hour individual lesson per week, instrumental/ vocal class as arranged, and performance class or orchestral related ensemble (for strings, woodwind, brass and percussion) or elective as directed by the head of area. Total time commitment 187 hours Teaching period 2 March 2020 to 7 June 2020 Last self-enrol date 13 March 2020 Census date 30 April 2020 Last date to withdraw without fail 5 June 2020 Assessment period ends 3 July 2020 Semester 1 contact information
For all administrative enquiries, e.g. enrolment, class registration, special consideration:
For instrument/vocal specific questions (eg. NSIs, teacher allocations, ensemble allocations), please contact your head of area:
Keyboard: Ian Holtham
Voice: Stephen Grant
Strings and Harp: Curt Thompson and Rob Nairn
Woodwinds: Derek Jones
Brass: Don Immel and Carla Blackwood
Percussion: Peter Neville
Guitar: Ken Murray
For any other enquiries please contact the subject coordinator: Don Immel
- Semester 2
Principal coordinator Don Immel Mode of delivery On Campus (Southbank) Contact hours One 1-hour individual lesson per week, instrumental/ vocal class as arranged, and performance class or orchestral related ensemble (for strings, woodwind, brass and percussion) or elective as directed by the head of area. Total time commitment 187 hours Teaching period 3 August 2020 to 1 November 2020 Last self-enrol date 14 August 2020 Census date 21 September 2020 Last date to withdraw without fail 16 October 2020 Assessment period ends 27 November 2020 Semester 2 contact information
For all administrative enquiries, e.g. enrolment, class registration, special consideration:
For instrument/vocal specific questions (eg. NSIs, teacher allocations, ensemble allocations), please contact your head of area:
Keyboard: Ian Holtham
Voice: Stephen Grant
Strings and Harp: Curt Thompson and Rob Nairn
Woodwinds: Derek Jones
Brass: Don Immel and Carla Blackwood
Percussion: Peter Neville
Guitar: Ken Murray
For any other enquiries please contact the subject coordinator: Don Immel
Time commitment details
187 hours with contact as above including sustained practice time in consultation with individual practical teacher.
Additional delivery details
This subject is delivered either partially or fully in-person in Second Half Year 2020. Please ensure you are able to attend any essential in-person requirements or speak to Stop 1 about alternative subject options.
Last updated: 3 November 2022