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Bachelor of DesignMajorYear: 2021
Contact information
Alberto Pugnale
Email: alberto.pugnale@unimelb.edu.au
Currently enrolled students:
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Future students:
Further information: https://futurestudents.unimelb.edu.au
The Architecture major teaches students to apply design thinking, a creative, solution-focused approach, to imagine future environments for living, working and playing in our age of environmental change, rapid urbanisation, global flows of people, materials and capital and exponentially increasing digital capabilities. Design lies at the heart of the architectural process and is underpinned by an expertise in technologies for representing imagined environments in 2D and 3 D (analogue and digital), an understanding of technologies of building (structural and material systems, building science and environmental systems), and a knowledge of precedents from history (architectural, landscape and urban). Consequently, the major is hinged around a spine of design studios which are supported by a sequence of subjects that teach skills in representation, technologies, and histories of design. Students are engaged in varied learning contexts that include lectures, tutorials, digital learning environments, site visits, a fabrication workshop and a research library where ideas, skills and knowledge can be learned, shared, debated, and tested.
Careers and Further Study: Upon completion of the Bachelor of Design with a major in Architecture, students will have the option of either finding employment or applying to continue into the two-year Master of Architecture program, which will allow students to become professional architects. The Master of Architecture is a 200 point professional degree that emphasises the central role of design in the studio. For more information on the Master of Architecture please visit the Melbourne School of Design web site:http://msd.unimelb.edu.au/
Intended learning outcomes
In addition to the generic attributes of the University of Melbourne Bachelor of Design graduate, graduates of the Architecture major should be able to demonstrate:
- Ability to bring a broad knowledge of design to bear on the specific and specialised discipline of Architecture
- Understanding of location, site and precedent, and an ability to position design propositions within a physical, historical, social and cultural context
- Understanding of theoretical approaches, design strategies and processes and the ability to apply them appropriately to architectural intervention at various levels of scale, complexity and detail
- Ability to integrate relevant pragmatic and technological issues of the architectural project (climatic, budgetary, programmatic, structural, etc.) with the creative design issues of the architectural project
- Ability to test and refine design propositions though a process of iterative reflection, creativity, critical review and problem solving
- Competency in a range of communication skills and techniques including verbal, written, analogue and digital visual strategies, in order to communicate a variety of conceptual, experimental and sensory design intentions
- Ability to present, substantiate and advocate for design proposals in a public setting, and accept critique in a constructive manner
- Ability to work both independently and collaboratively in architectural design studio projects
- Awareness of environmental impacts of management of the discipline at local and global scales, and a comprehension of professional responsibilities to shape and manage design in a sustainable way
- Acquisition of the knowledge and skills required to pursue further study in the Architecture discipline as well as to enter the Architecture profession both locally and globally.
Last updated: 3 May 2024