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Graduate Diploma in Biostatistics (GD-BIOSTAT) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
You’re currently viewing the 2021 version of this course
About this course
Melbourne School of Population and Global Health
Currently enrolled students:
Future Students:
- Further Information: http://mspgh.unimelb.edu.au/
- Email: Online Form
Emily Karahalios
Professional accreditation
The Graduate Diploma in Biostatistics course is accredited by the Statistical Society of Australia, which means that graduates automatically qualify for registration with the professional qualification of Graduate Statistician.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this course, graduates will:
- be able to demonstrate a broad understanding of the mathematical background, theory and application of the principles of epidemiology and biostatistical methods in health and medical research
- have acquired skills in complex statistical analyses to handle a variety of practical problems using modern statistical techniques and software
- have acquired skills in data collection and data management, including database design, quality control procedures and the ethical handling of data
- have developed skills to identify the relevant statistical issues in practical problems in medical/health settings and to propose and implement an appropriate statistical design and/or analysis methodology
- have developed skills and demonstrated ability to present statistical results in a format suitable for publication in health-related journals or professional reports
- have acquired the technical skills to be able to read methodological papers in the biostatistical literature and apply the methods described therein to practical problems
- have developed the practical and technical skills to progress to further postgraduate studies in biostatistics
- be aware of professional codes of conduct and ethical standards such as those of the Statistical Society of Australia
Graduate attributes
The Melbourne Experience enables our graduates to become:
Academically excellent:
- have a strong sense of intellectual integrity and the ethics of scholarship
- have in-depth knowledge of their specialist discipline(s)
- reach a high level of achievement in writing, generic research activities, problem-solving and communication
- be critical and creative thinkers, with an aptitude for continued self-directed learning
- be adept at learning in a range of ways, including through information and communication technologies
Knowledgeable across disciplines:
- examine critically, synthesise and evaluate knowledge across a broad range of disciplines
- expand their analytical and cognitive skills through learning experiences in diverse subjects
- have the capacity to participate fully in collaborative learning and to confront unfamiliar problems
- have a set of flexible and transferable skills for different types of employment
Leaders in communities:
- initiate and implement constructive change in their communities, including professions and workplaces
- have excellent interpersonal and decision-making skills, including an awareness of personal strengths and limitations
- mentor future generations of learners
- engage in meaningful public discourse, with a profound awareness of community needs
Attuned to cultural diversity:
- value different cultures
- be well-informed citizens able to contribute to their communities wherever they choose to live and work
- have an understanding of the social and cultural diversity in our community
- respect indigenous knowledge, cultures and values
Active global citizens:
- accept social and civic responsibilities
- be advocates for improving the sustainability of the environment
- have a broad global understanding, with a high regard for human rights, equity and ethics
Last updated: 12 November 2021