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Master of Teaching (Secondary) (MC-TEACHSA) // Course structure
About this course
Melbourne Graduate School of Education
Currently enrolled students:
- General information: https://ask.unimelb.edu.au
- Contact Stop 1
Future students:
Principal Coordinator
Harry Galatis
Course structure
The Master of Teaching (Secondary) is a 200-credit point course which is normally completed over:
- 2 years - Standard plan.
Options for completing the course in a shorter or longer time frame include:
- 1.5 years - Accelerated plan; or
- 3 years - Extended plan.
The Master of Teaching (Secondary) comprises:
- 7 core subjects
- 2 Learning Area study sequences (or a double sequence)
- 3 Clinical Teaching Practice subjects which incorporate the secondary school placements, and
- Subjects specific to the Coursework or Research Pathway options (depending on eligibility and plan).
The Coursework option includes:
- 1 capstone subject and 2 electives
The Research Pathway* option includes:
- 50 points of research preparation for entry to higher degree research programs.
* In order to be eligible to apply for the Research Pathway Option, Teacher Candidates must achieve an average of at least H2A (75%) in the first 112.5 credit points of the program.
All Teacher Candidates must meet the following course progression requirement:
The Australian Commonwealth Government’s Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education Students (the Test) is administered by the Australian Council for Educational Research (independently of The University of Melbourne).
Each Teacher Candidate must satisfactorily complete the Test by the end of the first calendar year of their enrolment in the Master of Teaching (Secondary). This is necessary in order for each Teacher Candidate to continue beyond the first calendar year of their course.
Failure to satisfactorily complete the Test by this progression point will result in referral to the Melbourne Graduate School of Education’s Course Academic Progress Committee and may result in exclusion from the course. Excluded Teacher Candidates may be granted an early exit award of a Graduate Diploma in Pedagogy (Secondary)* (subject to satisfactory completion of relevant subjects). Alternatively they may be withdrawn from the course.
*Note that the Graduate Diploma in Pedagogy (Secondary) is not a qualification for registration to teach in schools.
2-Year Standard Plan
- Undertake four semesters of full time study over two years.
- Enrol according to the Standard plan.
- In the second year of the course, elect to follow either the Coursework or Research Pathway option (depending on eligibility).
1.5-Year Accelerated Plan
- Undertake three semesters of full time study as well as summer and winter term subjects over 1.5 years (18 months)
- Enrol according to the Accelerated plan.
- Do the Coursework option by completing:
- One elective in the Winter Term of Year 1 in addition to the Semester 1 & 2 subjects; and
- One elective and commencing the capstone in the Summer Term of Year 2; and
- The remainder of the capstone alongside 37.5 points of core subjects in semester 3 of Year 2.
Factors to consider when selecting Accelerated include:
- It is not possible to do the Research Pathway Option in the Accelerated plan.
- Teacher Candidates that start the Accelerated plan may revert to the standard 2-year structure at the start of the second year, to pursue the Coursework Option only (the Research Pathway Option is not available).
- Applicants/Teacher Candidates should carefully consider suitability of the Accelerated plan to their personal circumstances, as well as the study load implications (e.g. on international student visa, or government support).
3-Year Extended Plan
- When applying for the course, select the part time Attendance Type
- Undertake six semesters of study over 3 years (The study load each semester varies from between 18.75 credit points to 37.5 credit points - check the Extended plan for details.)
- Enrol according to the Extended plan, which includes completing:
- Clinical Teaching Practice (Sec) 1 Ext over the entire first year (i.e. Semesters 1 and 2); and
- Clinical Teaching Practice (Sec) 2 Ext over the entire second year (i.e. Semesters 1 and 2);
- The first learning area sequence over Semesters 1 and 2 in the first year (i.e. Learning Area 1 and Learning Area 2)**; and
- The second sequence over Semesters 1 and 2 of the second year (i.e. Learning Area 1 and Learning Area 2 **; and
- Clinical Teaching Practice (Sec) 3 Ext in the final semester of study (i.e. Semester 2 of third year).
- Do the Coursework Option by completing:
- One elective in the first year; and
- One elective in the third year; and
- The capstone subject over the third year
**Extended plan Teacher Candidates undertaking a double Music, Drama or Visual Arts & Design Learning Area sequence must complete the subjects in this order:
- Drama A followed by Drama B
- Music A followed by Music B
- Visual Arts & Design followed by Visual Arts & Design Additional
Factors to consider when selecting the Extended plan include:
- It is not possible to complete the Research Pathway Option within the 3-year Extended plan.
- Permission of the Course Coordinator is required to switch between the Extended and the Standard full time plans. Teacher Candidates that start in Extended may request to change to Full Time at the start of their third year. They then follow the Standard full time second year plan and pursue the Coursework Option only (the Research Pathway Option is not available).
- Applicants/Teacher Candidates should carefully consider suitability of the Extended plan to their personal circumstances, as well as the study load implications (e.g. on international student visa, or government support).
See subject options for each of the Accelerated, Standard and Extended course plans listed under Majors, minors and specialisations.
Last updated: 18 January 2025