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- Master of Philosophy - Victorian College of the Arts
- Entry and participation requirements
Master of Philosophy - Victorian College of the Arts (MR-PHILVCA) // Entry and participation requirements
About this course
Currently enrolled students:
- General information: Graduate Research Hub
Future students:
- Further information: MCM website
- Email: vcamcm-enquiries@unimelb.edu.au
- Email: vcamcm-research@unimelb.edu.au
Entry requirements
MPhil applicants will be assessed using the criteria described below. The measures include an assessment of a candidate's knowledge of the discipline and evidence of their ability to complete a rigorous research project. Applicants are required to meet the minimum standards described for each of the 6 measures.
In exceptional circumstances, the RHD Committee may consider for admission a person who does not have qualifications equivalent to a four-year honours degree, if it is satisfied that the person's experience in research and the results of that experience are so outstanding that the person is likely to have the ability to pursue the course successfully. In such cases, or where other minimum standards as specified below are not all met, the department may present an evidence-based case for admittance to the Chair Research Higher Degrees Committee.
Normally, the evidence of research equivalence would take the form of a research publication record and/or additional significant research experience that would be equivalent to a fourth year. In the case of a three-year honours degree from the United Kingdom the sponsoring Department may also provide evidence about the quality of the institution and the quality of the degree, compared with a four-year honours degree.
Criteria for assessing applicant's eligibility for MPhil candidature
1. Minimum qualifications
Applicants are normally required to have completed at least a four-year honours degree at H2A standard from an Australian university, or a qualification or combination of qualifications considered by the RHD Committee to be equivalent.
2. Minimum level of academic achievement
Applicants should have achieved an overall H1 (80-100%) or H2A (75-79%) grade in the relevant honours or Masters degree.
Applicants who have completed certain professional degrees such as MBBS, BVSc, LLB, JD, BPhysio, BProp&Const, BUrbPl, BArch and BLArch will be assessed individually.
3. Relevance of the Degree
The completed degree must be in an area that is relevant to the intended MPhil, including sufficient specialisation such that the applicant will have already developed an understanding and appreciation of a body of knowledge relevant to the intended MPhil. Professional experience in the area of the intended MPhil may be deemed equivalent.
4. Evidence of research ability
Applicants are normally required to have completed a research project/component that accounts for at least 25% of their year's work at 4 th year or at Masters level.
Graduates of certain professional degrees, including MBBS, BVSc, LLB, JD, BPhysio, BEng, BProp&Const, BUrbPl, BArch and BLArch are deemed to have met this requirement.
In the absence of the final year research component, other evidence may be provided as to a student's ability to undertake research.
5. Currency of applicant's knowledge of the discipline
The applicant's degree/s and/or professional experience must demonstrate that their knowledge of the discipline in which they plan to undertake their research higher degree is current. It is therefore expected that an applicant will have completed their tertiary studies and/or any relevant professional experience in the 10 years immediately prior to their intended entry to the MPhil.
6. Assessment of level of commitment
Based on interview or other communication, an assessment should be made of the level of understanding, motivation and time commitment of the student for the proposed program of study. For example, a full-time student would be expected to devote at least 40 hours a week and a part-time student about half of this.
Inherent requirements (core participation requirements)
All MPhil candidates are required to complete the equivalent of at least six months full-time (12 months part-time) advanced study and research at the University unless studying at an outside institution approved by the Research Higher Degrees Committee (RHDC). The RHDC will not approve entirely distance supervision or entirely on-line supervision for research higher degree students.
Throughout their candidature candidates are expected to attend the University in order to benefit from planning, conducting and writing up their research within a University community and environment.
The residency requirement is deemed especially important during the first six months of candidature. During this time the student is expected to interact on a regular basis with the supervisor, the department (including staff and other research students) and the University, so as:
- to build the skills and knowledge necessary to carry out the proposed research program
- to acquire an understanding of the standards and requirements for an MPhil awarded by the University
- to make use of support programs and facilities provided by the Melbourne School of Graduate Research throughout candidature.
It is University policy to take all reasonable steps to minimise the impact of disability upon academic study, and reasonable adjustments will be made to enhance a student's participation in the University's programs. Students who feel their disability will impact on meeting the requirements of this course are encouraged to discuss this matter with a Faculty Student Adviser and the Disability Liaison Unit.
Last updated: 12 November 2024