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International Law and Israel-Palestine (LAWS70344)
Graduate coursework level 7Points: 12.5Not available in 2021
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About this subject
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In 1993, the Israelis and the Palestinians signed a Declaration of Principles initiating a peace process that promised to deliver a solution to the Israeli– Palestinian conflict within five years. Nearly 20 years later, the peace process is in tatters and the prospects of a peace agreement between the parties have never seemed bleaker. The failure to reach a political settlement on issues such as refugees, Jerusalem and settlements, which also have a strong international legal dimension, has given rise to a range of questions about the role of international law in the Israeli–Palestinian peace process and in peace processes more generally. This subject explores these questions critically and comparatively with reference to other conflicts, including East Timor, Western Sahara and Cyprus. In addition to her academic work, the lecturer has direct practical experience of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and has lived in the Gaza Strip, working with a human rights organisation.
The subject will be split into parts.
History and the international legal framework
Principal topics will include:
- The legal history of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict
- The right of self-determination: From East Timor to the Western Sahara and the West Bank
- Revisiting the history of the international law of self-determination: The untold story of population transfer
- The law of statehood and recognition
- The international law of occupation
- The applicability of international human rights law to occupied territory
- The Israeli–Palestinian peace process: From Oslo to the road map to peace.
International law and the two-state solution
Principal topics will include:
- Refugees
- Settlements and settlers
- Jerusalem
- Case study: The Wall.
Alternative models
- Transitional justice: Peace-building, reconciliation and dealing with the past
- One-state solution; earned sovereignty; international trusteeship.
This subject will finish with an assessed, student-run Israeli–Palestinian peace conference.
Intended learning outcomes
A student who has successfully completed this subject should:
- Understand and be able to use foundational concepts of public international law
- Understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in historical and comparative perspective
- Be familiar with the history and legal history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- Understand the principal sources and rules of international law applicable to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- Understand the substance and significance of the debates over the current status of the Gaza Strip
- Be equipped to engage in legal analysis of the core issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- Be better able to analyse critically and legally the two-state solution and its alternatives.
Last updated: 23 September 2023