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Spanish 6 (SPAN20019) // Assessment
Please refer to the return to campus page for more information on these delivery modes and students who can enrol in each mode based on their location.
Description | Timing | Percentage |
On-line Task 1 (quizzes)
| Week 2 | 2% |
On-line Task 2 (quizzes)
| Week 4 | 2% |
On-line Task 3 (quizzes)
| Week 6 | 2% |
On-line Task 4 (quizzes)
| Week 8 | 2% |
On-line Task 5 (quizzes)
| Week 10 | 2% |
Microfiction Writing* (written assignment ('microrrelato'), individual)
| Week 3 | 5% |
Short Fiction Writing* (written assignment ('cuento corto'), individual; including a reflective learning paragraph)
| Week 5 | 15% |
Script Writing* (written assignment ('guion'), group project; including a reflective learning paragraph)
| Week 8 | 10% |
Short Film Project* (audiovisual assignment ('cortometraje'), group project)
| Week 10 | 15% |
Short Film Presentation* (Presentation and Self-Evaluation ('defensa'), group project)
| During Week 11 and 12 | 15% |
On-line exam 1 (Unit 4-5)
| Week 7 | 15% |
On-line exam 2 (Unit 4-6) (due by the end of the first week of the examination period)
| During the examination period | 15% |
Hurdle requirement: Students must attend a minimum of 75% of tutorials in order to pass this subject. | N/A |
Additional details
All pieces of assessment must be submitted to pass this subject.
Assessment submitted late without an approved extension will be penalised at 10% per working day. In-class tasks missed without approval will not be marked.
* A minimum of two assignments of those marked with an asterisk need to be included in an ePortfolio..
Last updated: 9 February 2025