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Bachelor of Arts (Degree with Honours)Specialisation (formal)Year: 2022
Contact information
Associate Professor Karen Jones
Email: jonek@unimelb.edu.au
Currently enrolled students:
Future students:
Studying Philosophy at honours level represents an excellent opportunity to take your academic development beyond a level attainable in the first three years of undergraduate study. Advanced work in philosophy further advances your skills of reasoning and critical analysis, in ways that are valuable to employers. The focus on writing longer pieces of work, in particular the thesis component, also makes for an intellectually rewarding experience, one in which you are granted greater intellectual autonomy than you will have experienced before, including a greater opportunity to pursue your own ideas.
The prerequisites for entry to fourth-year honours in Philosophy are completion of all the requirements for the BA, completion of a major in Philosophy and an average of at least H2A (75%) in second and third-year subjects within the major, or equivalent.
Intended learning outcomes
On successful completion of this Honours specialisation, students will:
- possess advanced knowledge and understanding of the discipline of philosophy through coursework in several areas, such as ethics, social and political philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology and logic; and
- have a deeper critical understanding of one or more areas of philosophy through completion of an independent research project; and
- be able to analyse and critically assess arguments and philosophical positions at a very high level; and
- develop excellent communications skills through extended written work, close reading and intense discussion of philosophical texts, and the presentation and discussion of thesis research; and
- understand the relevance of philosophical knowledge and skills in the context of other disciplines, to society more generally, and to employers.
Last updated: 3 May 2024