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Diploma in LanguagesSpecialisation (formal)Year: 2022
Contact information
Professor Tim Parkin (Semester 1)
Email: tim.parkin@unimelb.edu.au
Associate Professor K.O. Chong-Gossard (Semester 2)
Email: koc@unimelb.edu.au
Currently enrolled students:
Future students:
The Diploma in Languages provides students with the opportunity to gain a Diploma in Latin while completing an undergraduate degree at the University of Melbourne.
Latin has been taught at the University of Melbourne since its very foundation, and has been a core element of higher education for many centuries. The overall objective of the Classics program is to introduce students to key literary texts from classical antiquity (including history, drama, oratory, philosophy, epic, and lyric poetry), and to enable students to discover the many important contributions which reading ancient texts in the original languages can make to understanding both the ancient world and the Western tradition. A knowledge of Latin is also very useful for research and training in such related disciplines as biochemistry, medicine, the history and philosophy of science, archaeology, Biblical studies, history, philosophy, art history, Romance language studies, English literary studies, and music.
The Diploma in Languages provides students with the opportunity to gain a Diploma in Latin while completing an undergraduate degree at the University of Melbourne.
Intended learning outcomes
Students who complete the Diploma in Languages (Latin) should:
- master the vocabulary, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics of the Latin language; and
- acquire skills and methodologies for the reading and translating of Latin texts; and
- gain knowledge of ancient culture through the literature of ancient Rome in the original language.
Last updated: 3 May 2024