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Doctor of Philosophy - Business and Economics (DR-PHILBE) // Course structure
About this course
Associate Professor Anish Nagpal
Assistant Dean (Graduate Research)
Melbourne Business School
Course structure
About the PhD
Candidates are required to present a thesis in such a form as the Academic Board may from time to time prescribe. Advice is available from the relevant Graduate Research Director of the Department or the Faculty of Business and Economics.
Course Structure: 5 Year Doctoral Program (Masters by Coursework followed by PhD)
A five year Doctoral Program is offered in the following discipine areas:
- Accounting
- Decision, Risk and Financial Sciences
- Economics
- Finance
- Management
- Marketing
Candidates commence by enrolling in a two-year Master of Commerce coursework degree. Upon successful completion of this coursework degree, and by meeting the specific progression requirements outlined in the relevant Masters handbook entry, the candidate is enrolled in a three-year thesis-only PhD. The decision to award the degree is based solely on the examination of the thesis. Examiners of the thesis are informed that the candidate has undertaken a course of study by thesis and coursework component, and that the thesis may be shorter than one presented by a candidate pursuing the degree by research alone, but should be comparable in research quality.
Course Structure: PhD by Thesis only
The Centre for Actuarial Studies offers a three-year PhD by Thesis only.
The Department of Business Administration offers a three-year PhD by Thesis only.
Subject options
PhD (Accounting)
From 2017 the PhD in Accounting is a three-year thesis-only graduate research degree. For previous versions of the PhD, students should refer to the handbook entry for the year they commenced the doctoral program.
PhD (Decision, Risk and Financial Sciences)
The PhD in Decision, Risk and Financial Sciences is a three-year thesis-only graduate research degree.
PhD (Economics and MIAESR)
From 2018 the PhD in Economics is a three-year thesis-only graduate research degree. For previous versions of the PhD, students should refer to the handbook entry for the year they commenced the doctoral program.
PhD (Finance)
From 2017 the PhD in Finance is a three-year thesis-only graduate research degree. For previous versions of the PhD, students should refer to the handbook entry for the year they commenced the doctoral program.
PhD (Management and Marketing)
From 2019 the PhD in Management and the PhD in Marketing is a three-year thesis-only graduate research degree. For previous versions of the PhD, students should refer to the handbook entry for the year they commenced the doctoral program.
PhD (Actuarial Studies)
Three years full-time or equivalent part-time. Available by Research Thesis only (no coursework).
PhD (Business Administration and Analytics)
Three years full-time or equivalent part-time. Available by Research Thesis only (no coursework).
Last updated: 14 January 2023