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Specialist Certificate in Leadership (SC-LDSHIP) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
About this course
Simon Bell
Weekends and University of Melbourne observed Public Holidays 10am to 5pm AEST/AEDT.
Intended learning outcomes
Learning goal
Graduates of this program will develop individual capacity for leadership and enhanced ability to maximise the effectiveness of their teams, departments or organisations. Participants will acquire new or improve their existing knowledge, skills and capabilities to drive increased performance.
Learning objectives to achieve this goal
On successful completion of this certificate students will be able to:
- Identify key issues related to leadership style(s) and team and overall business performance
- Explain how leadership impacts on organisational performance, both positively and adversely
- Understand their role and personal ability to effect practice of leadership within their teams, departments and broader organisations
- Demonstrate the ability to coach and support others to maximise their workplace performance.
Generic skills
On successful completion of this program, students should have enhanced their skills in:
• Critically evaluating evidence in support of an argument or proposition.
• Problem solving in relation to leading teams and organisations in competitive business environments (both for and not-for-profit) through the application of appropriate relevant theories, principles and frameworks.
• Communicating ideas on organisational development to colleagues and the wider community
• Synthesizing ideas, theories and data when developing solutions to problems related to management and leadership.
• Understanding good governance and business ethics.
• Retrieving relevant information from a variety of sources and applying it in their workplaces.
• Teamwork through collaborative exercises and in-class discussion.
Graduate attributes
The Melbourne Graduate
The University of Melbourne educational experience prepares well-rounded graduates who are academically outstanding, practically grounded and socially responsible. Melbourne's graduates are distinguished by their broad outlook and openness to different perspectives.
This program will enable students to achieve the University of Melbourne graduate attributes in the following ways:
Academic excellence:
- Faculty facilitating the courses will provide research-led course material with an applied focus.
- The intense learning environment, small class sizes, and industry-relevant content will stimulate a high level of discussion and debate among participants.
- The sharing of industry experience between participants will create a rich learning environment.
Knowledgeable across disciplines:
- The interdisciplinary content of the specialist certificate will improve participants’ ability to examine critically, synthesise and evaluate knowledge across a broad range of disciplines.
- The interdisciplinary subject matter will improve the flexibility of participants and enhance their ability to lead service organisations effectively.
Attuned to cultural diversity:
- The materials within many of the subjects will draw on international examples and focus on doing business in other countries which will increase the cultural sensitivity of participants.
Leaders in communities:
• The focus on leadership skills in organisations will improve the self-awareness of participants which will enhance their capabilities as mentors and communicators within their organisations and the broader community.
Last updated: 30 January 2024