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Advanced Dental Study 2 (DENT10001)
Undergraduate level 1Points: 12.5On Campus (Parkville)
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About this subject
Contact information
Year Long (Extended)
Melbourne Dental School
Currently enrolled students:
- General information: https://ask.unimelb.edu.au
- Email: enquiries-STEM@unimelb.edu.au
Availability | Year Long (Extended) |
Fees | Look up fees |
Year long (123 hours). 12.5 points.
This subject is a continuation of the research project commenced in Semester 2 of 4th year in Advanced Dental Study 1. Students will:
• establish their research methodology and complete collection of data by the end of Semester 1
• meet with their research supervisor/s as required to discuss their research activities and to receive feedback and guidance.
Intended learning outcomes
Objectives: By the end of the Research Project teaching program in fifth year, the dental student should:
a) Have developed skills in formulating precise objectives and hypotheses for a research project
b) Be able to review and present the literature on a selected research topic
c) Have developed an understanding of the principles of research methodology and its application
d) Have developed skills in identifying, interpreting, measuring and recording data
e) Be able to analyse results and present the findings in a logical and coherent manner to the scientific community
f) Be able to relate the research findings to oral health practice.
Generic skills
Generic Skills:
• Intellectual curiosity and creativity
• Ability and confidence to participate effectively in collaborative learning as a team-member, while respecting individual differences
• Superior capacity to articulate knowledge and understanding in oral and written presentations
• Profound respect for truth and intellectual integrity, and for the ethics of scholarship.
Attendance at all research presentations is compulsory and will form part of the assessment.
The research project should be approximately 3000 words (excluding references, figures and tables) and be consistent with the style and standard required for article to be published in a refereed scientific journal.
The general form of reports must follow the rules for theses which are adapted from the Directions of the Academic Board Pursuant to Statute 12.5.1:
1. Manuscripts should be typed on International Standard A4 size paper with a margin on both sides of at least 3 cm wide.
2. Pages should be numbered consecutively; if sheets are interpolated they should be lettered consecutively, each letter being preceded by the number of the last previously numbered page.
3. Folding diagrams and charts should be arranged so as to open out to the top and right.
4. The title page must show the title of the report, the degree for which it is submitted (ie. BDSc), and the full names of the authors.
5. The manuscripts can be submitted electronically as a .pdf file or a word document; or if submitted as a paper based document, the original or a good quality photocopy on acid-free archival quality bond paper shall be bound in such manner that it will stand on a shelf as a book.
The following points should be observed during preparation of the manuscript:
(a) scripts used for the oral presentation of the research work should NOT be submitted as the typed manuscript;
(b) manuscripts should be typed in 1-and-a-half-space on A4 size bond paper.
(c) before submission, manuscripts must be carefully proof-read;
(d) a Contents page should be included;
(e) sections of the manuscript should be identified clearly and entitled Abstract, Introduction, Literature
Review, Aim, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References. Appendices,
Acknowledgements, ; and
(f) References:
(i) The reference style to follow is that used in the Journal of Dental Research. At the end of the Manuscript list all references alphabetically, and each reference in
full (ie. not using et al.).
In the text, cite the references by the authors' names and the year, using et al. for 3 or more authors, eg. "Gram-positive pleomorphic rods have been isolated in major proportions from human dental plaques (Hardie and Bowden, 1974; Holmberg, 1976; Bowden et al., 1979)."
(ii) The reference style should be in the general format of the following:-
Articles - Authors, Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Pages. Books - Authors, Year, Title,
Edition, Place of Publication, Publishers, Pages or Chapter (as appropriate).
(iii) The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus.
Last updated: 31 January 2024