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Master of Art Curatorship (038AB) // Course structure
About this course
Program Director
Dr Matthew Martin
Email: mmartin1@unimelb.edu.au
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Currently enrolled students:
- Contact Stop 1
- General information: https://ask.unimelb.edu.au
Future students:
- Further information: http://graduate.arts.unimelb.edu.au/
- Contact: 'make an enquiry' on http://graduate.arts.unimelb.edu.au/degrees/18-master-of-art-curatorship
Course structure
Students are required to complete the program requirements/structure from the year that they commenced their program. All compulsory, core and capstone subjects must be completed to be eligible to graduate from the program.
200 point program
Duration: 2 years full-time / up to 4 years part-time
Coursework Only Option:
- four compulsory subjects (50 points)
- four foundation subjects (50 points) to completed in the first 100 points of the program
- core subjects (miminum 50 points, maximum 100 points)
- elective subjects (maximum 50 points)
Minor Thesis Option:
- four compulsory subjects (50 points)
- four foundation subjects (50 points) to be completed in the first 100 points of the program
- core subjects (50 points)
- minor thesis parts 1 and 2 (37.5 points)
- ARTS90032 Research Principles and Practices (12.5 points)
Please note: the minor thesis requires enrolment over two consecutive semesters
150 point program
Duration: 1.5 years full-time / up to 3 years part-time
Coursework Only Option:
- four compulsory subjects (50 points)
- core subjects (minimum 50 points, maximum 100 points)
- elective subjects (maximum 50 points)
Minor Thesis Option:
- four compulsory subjects (50 points)
- minor thesis parts 1 and 2 (37.5 points)
- ARTS90032 Research Principles and Practices (12.5 points)
- core subjects and/or elective subjects (50 points)
Please note: the minor thesis requires enrolment over two consecutive semesters
100 point program
Duration: 1 year full-time / up to 2 years part-time
Coursework Only Option:
- four compulsory subjects (50 points)
- core subjects (minimum 25 points, maximum 50 points)
- elective subjects (maximum 25 points)
Minor Thesis Option:
- four compulsory subjects (50 points)
- minor thesis parts 1 and 2 (37.5 points)
- ARTS90032 Research Principles and Practices (12.5 points)
Please note: the minor thesis requires enrolment over two consecutive semesters
Capstone Requirement:
Capstone subject options must be completed in the final hundred points of the program. All students are required to complete one Capstone subject option (at least 25 points). This requirement cannot be waived or replaced in any circumstances.
Capstone Stream 1: ACUR90009 Art Curatorship Thesis Part 1 and ACUR90010 Art Curatorship Thesis Part 2 (37.5 points total)
Purpose: An opportunity to integrate knowledge and research skills to address a specific art curatorship research question. Pathway to the PhD.
Capstone Stream 2: MULT90064 Industry Core and Project (25 points)
Purpose: An opportunity to bring together theoretical grounding in art curatorship and management practice gained in the course and apply this knowledge within a creative practice or cultural management project in order to develop an integrated understanding of art curatorship theory and practice.
Capstone Stream 3: ARTS90024 Industry Core and Placement (25 points)
Purpose: An opportunity to bring together the theoretical grounding in art curatorship and management practice gained in the course and apply this knowledge in a professional context in order to develop an integrated understanding of art curatorship theory and practice.
For policies that govern this degree, see Academic Services Policy in the University Melbourne Policy Framework. Students also should also refer to information in the Student Policy Directory.
Last updated: 16 February 2025