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Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MC-APP) // Further study
About this course
Principal Coordinator
Jacqui Francis
Faculty of Education
Currently enrolled students
Future students:
Further study
Graduate Research Degrees
The University of Melbourne's Faculty of Education is widely recognised as a leader in Australian and international education research.
Graduates interested in further study in one of Faculty of Education’s suite of graduate research degrees may have several options, depending on their prior qualifications, academic achievement, research experience and professional experience.
Graduates from this course (MC-APP) may be eligible to apply to:
- the Graduate Certificate in Educational Research or
- the Master of Education (Research) or
- the Doctor of Education.
Alternatively, Graduates from this course (MC-APP) who have completed:
- the Graduate Certificate in Educational Research or
- the Master of Education (Research) or
- an undergraduate Honours degree
may be eligible to apply to one of the following Faculty of Education research degrees:
Entry to these courses is a competitive process and each course has other entry requirements such as a minimum academic entry score, research experience and/or professional experience which must be met. Please check the Handbook course entry for details of entry requirements.
For more information about graduate research study in Education see the Faculty of Education Research Degrees page.
Last updated: 9 April 2024