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Master of Global Media Communication (MC-GMCOM) // Course structure
About this course
Professor Ingrid Volkmer
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Currently enrolled students:
- Contact Stop 1
- General information: https://ask.unimelb.edu.au
Future students:
- Further information: http://graduate.arts.unimelb.edu.au/
- Contact: 'make an enquiry' on http://graduate.arts.unimelb.edu.au/degrees/11-master-of-global-media-communication
Course structure
200 point program
Duration: 2 years full-time / 4 years part-time
Coursework only option
- Foundation Compulsory Subjects (37.5 points)(must be taken in the first semester)
- Foundation Elective Subject (12.5 points) (must be taken in the first semester)
- Core Subjects - List A (50 points)
- Core Subjects - List B (minimum 62.5 points)
- maximum of 37.5 points of elective subjects
Minor Thesis Option
- Foundation Compulsory Subjects (37.5 points)(must be taken in the first semester)
- Foundation Elective Subject (12.5 points) (must be taken in the first semester)
- Core Subjects – List A (50 points)
- Core Subjects – List B (50 points)
- MECM90029 Media and Communication Thesis Part 1 and MECM90030 Media and Communication Thesis Part 2 (37.5 points total)
- ARTS90032 Research Principles & Practice subject (12.5 points)
150 point program
Duration 1.5 years full-time / up to 3 years part-time
Coursework Only Option
- Core Subjects - List A (50 points)
- Core Subjects - List B (minimum of 62.5 points)
- Maximum of 37.5 points elective subjects
Minor Thesis Option
- Core Subjects - List A (50 points)
- Core Subjects - List B (50 points)
- MECM90029 Media and Communications Thesis Part 1 and MECM90030 Media and Communications Thesis Part 2 (37.5 points)
- ARTS90032 Research Principles and Practices (12.5 points)
100 point program
Duration: 1 year full-time / 2 years part-time
Coursework Only Option:
- Core Subjects (minimum of 62.5 points)
- Elective subjects (maximum of 37.5 points)
Minor Thesis Option:
- Core Subjects (50 points)
- MECM90029 Media and Communications Thesis Part 1 and MECM90030 Media and Communications Thesis Part 2 (37.5 points)
- ARTS90032 Research Principles & Practices (12.5 points)
Please note the following:
Students who undertake the thesis option are not eligible to undertake the Internship subject.
Any variation of the electives must be discussed with the program coordinator.
Capstone Requirement:
All students are required to complete the Capstone Requirement for the program (at least 25 points). Students must complete one capstone option, towards the end of their program.
Capstone Stream 1: MULT90019 Internship II (Semester Long) (25 points)
Purpose: An opportunity to apply knowledge and research skills to solve problems that arise in professional contexts and develop an integrated understanding of knowledge, research and practice
Capstone Stream 2: MECM90029 Media and Communications Thesis Part 1 and MECM90030 Media and Communications Thesis Part 2 (37.5 points total)
Purpose: An opportunity to integrate knowledge and research skills to address a research question
Capstone Streams 3 - 8: (25 points total)
MECM90020 Global Media: Theory and Research and
One of:
MECM90041 Political Economy of Digital Life or
MECM90002 Global Media Governance and Policy or
MECM90003 Mobility, Culture and Communication or
MECM90009 Global Crisis Reporting or
MECM90016 Digital Politics or
MECM90017 Media Writing: Rhetoric and Practice
(12.5 + 12.5 = 25 points)
Purpose: Multiple opportunities to acquire research methods skills and integrate knowledge and research skills to address a research question, project or substantial piece of work
External Subject Rule
Student may undertake an external subject (not listed within the program structure) with the permission of the program and subject coordinator. All external subject requests must be for the elective subject requirement, not as a compulsory, core or capstone subject. The maximum external subjects allowed are as follows:
- 200 point program undertaken at University of Melbourne (2 years): maximum 25 points.
- 150 point program undertaken at University of Melbourne (1.5 years): maximum 12.5 points.
- 100* point program undertaken at University of Melbourne (1 year): 12.5 points
- 50*^ point program undertaken at University of Melbourne (0.5 years): 0 points.
* GC-ARTS, GD-ARTS, GCA-ARTS and GDA-ARTS students are not normally granted permission to undertake external subjects towards their degree.
^ Exception: Students admitted to 50 point programs may apply to take LING90002, Presenting Academic Discourse, as an external subject.
Please note that advanced standing contributes to a student’s remaining points undertaken at University of Melbourne, and may affect how many points the student can undertake outside the enrolled program.
For policies that govern this degree, see Academic Services Policy in the University Melbourne Policy Framework. Students also should also refer to information in the Student Policy Directory.
Last updated: 12 February 2025