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Foundations for Clinical Practice (MEDS90031) // Assessment
To learn more, visit 2023 Course and subject delivery.
Description | Timing | Percentage |
100% attendance at small group tutorials, clinical placement activities Hurdle requirement: In order to pass this hurdle, students are required to achieve the attendance hurdle. Within the MD, there is a well established Short Leave of Absence policy for planned and unplanned absences. | Throughout the teaching period | N/A |
Professional Behaviour: Observed professional behaviour, using current MD guidelines Hurdle requirement: See Professional Behaviour Hurdle | Throughout semester | N/A |
Professional Behaviour: 2 x Written situational judgement test (SJT)
| 1 x 45 minute test at the mid-way point of each semester | N/A |
Online Academic Integrity Quiz
| Early in the teaching period | N/A |
PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOUR HURDLE Hurdle requirement: In order to pass this hurdle, students are required to achieve a satisfactory standard in Professional Behaviour, which is determined by review of the combined observed professional behaviours throughout the year, and performance on SJTs and AI quiz. Students must achieve a passing score on the Academic Integrity quiz to be able to participate in the written assessment. | N/A | |
Cumulative Achievement Test 1 (CAT1)
| Mid-way through first semester | N/A |
Cumulative Achievement Test 2 (CAT2)
| At the end of first semester | N/A |
Cumulative Achievement Test 3 (CAT3)
| Mid-way through second semester | N/A |
Cumulative Achievement Test 4 (CAT4)
| During end of year the examination period | N/A |
Written Examination (SAQ & VSAQ)
| End of first semester | N/A |
Written Examination (SAQ & VSAQ)
| During end of year the examination period | N/A |
WRITTEN ASSESSMENT HURDLE Hurdle requirement: In order to pass this hurdle, students are required to achieve: • the standard set pass score on a minimum of 2 of the first 3 CATs • The standard set pass score on CAT4 • The combined standard set pass score for both SAQ/VSAQ papers | N/A | |
Mini Clinical Encounter (Mini-CEX)
| 8 Mini CEX submitted at even time points throughout the year, including a mixture of peer and tutor/clinician assessment | N/A |
Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
| During end of year the examination period | N/A |
CLINICAL ASSESSMENT HURDLE Hurdle requirement: In order to pass this hurdle, students are required to achieve: • Satisfactory standard in each mini clinical encounter and • The standard set pass score in the OSCE, including a pass for at least one history and one physical examination station. | N/A | |
ePortfolio A student curated compilation that responds to prescribed tasks submitted regularly throughout the year, addressing five key themes: - First Nations - Clinician researcher - Professional practitioner - Self-regulated learner - Determinants of health and health systems
| Throughout the teaching period | N/A |
Last updated: 31 January 2024