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- Graduate Certificate in Bushfire Planning and Management
- Attributes, outcomes and skills
Graduate Certificate in Bushfire Planning and Management (GC-BFIREPM) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
Professional accreditation
Students completing the GC-BFIREPM (Bushfire Planning Stream) will be eligible to apply for accreditation under the Bushfire Planning and Design (BPAD) scheme administered by FPA Australia (Fire Protection Authority Australia)
Intended learning outcomes
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The GC-BFIREPM Graduate Certificate in Bushfire Planning and Management will qualify graduates for specialist bushfire management or bushfire assessment, planning and design positions within either the forest and natural resource management sectors (Bushfire Management Stream) or building and planning practice sectors (Bushfire Planning Stream) and provide a pathway to further study, by:
Bushfire Planning Stream
- Developing knowledge, skills, understanding and competence in the area of bushfire science and building and planning design to mitigate bushfire risk;
- Developing a thorough approach to bushfire planning assessments theory and practice through an understanding of conceptual planning and building issues and knowledge of the environmental, regulatory and policy drivers that influence building and planning in bushfire-prone areas of Australia;
- Increasing knowledge and analytical capabilities appropriate to building planning in bushfire prone environments;
- Developing competence in the assessment, planning and design of new developments or modification to existing buildings in bushfire-prone environments using prescribed provisions
- Extending scholarly and critical attitudes in bushfire planning disciplines.
Bushfire Management Stream
- Developing knowledge, skills, understanding and competence in the area of bushfire science and management;
- Developing a thorough approach to bushfire management theory and practice through an understanding of the biological, environmental and social drivers of forest fire management in Australia and internationally;
- Increasing knowledge and analytical capabilities appropriate to bushfire management;
- Developing competence in the design, conduct and analysis of bushfire management practices;
- Extending scholarly and critical attitudes in bushfire management disciplines.
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Graduate attributes
The GCert Bushfire Planning and Management will be distinguished by a commitment to:• learning and teaching based on the best available research in bushfire planning and management and related disciplines;• a respect for the intellectual maturity and diversity of experience in the student cohort;• pedagogies that promote independent critical inquiry, analysis and reflection;• a strong engagement with the bushfire science and planning professional community in designing and delivering the program;• the full utilization of human and material resources of the Department of Forest and Ecosystem Science. Graduates of the PGCert Bushfire Planning and Management will meet the University of Melbourne graduate attributes at a high level, and, in particular will:• be well-prepared for accomplished practice in bushfire planning and management and related risk management professions;• demonstrate a respect for the evidence base of research underpinning best practice in bushfire planning and management;• have a strong commitment to principles of ethical practice and to furthering equity and diversity within the forest and natural resource management profession;• be committed to ongoing development of their own professional knowledge and skills through continuing critical inquiry;• demonstrate leadership by their capacity to plan and implement creative and productive change in their workplace and their profession;• be able to communicate bushfire science professional knowledge both to their peers and to members of the general community.
Last updated: 8 November 2024