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Documentary Projects 1B (FLTV70022) // Assessment
You’re currently viewing the 2024 version of this subject
About this subject
Description | Timing | Percentage |
Crewing: Students are required to crew on fellow student productions
| Throughout the teaching period | 20% |
Production Folio: All industry standard pre-production, production and postproduction paperwork to be handed in at a professional standard to the Supervising Producer on due dates
| Throughout the teaching period | 20% |
Production: This project shall be of a short duration - the specific details of the production length depend on the specialization and students will refer to their production guidelines handbook. Each student writes, directs and edits his/her own production. 2 Assessors
| Throughout the teaching period | 60% |
Hurdle requirement: Students must attend 80% of workshops, classes and lectures in order to be eligible for assessment. | Throughout the teaching period | N/A |
Hurdle requirement: Students must submit all elements of assessment to be eligible for a pass in this subject. For the purposes of meeting this hurdle requirement, each submitted assessment must be complete and constitute a genuine attempt to address the requirements of the task. Submitting only part of an assessment (e.g. only the title page) or an assessment on an irrelevant topic will not meet this hurdle requirement. | Throughout the teaching period | N/A |
Last updated: 8 November 2024