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Remote Sensing (GEOM90005) // Assessment
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Semester 2
Tomas Poblete Cisterna
Description | Timing | Percentage |
Two practical assignment reports, approximately 500 words each, due week 3 and week 6. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) 1 and 2 are addressed in these reports
| From Week 3 to Week 6 | 30% |
One project proposal report of 1000 words. ILOs 2 and 3 are addressed in this report
| Week 7 | 15% |
One project proposal presentation (5 minutes) effectively summarising objectives and methods. ILO 4 is addressed in this project presentation
| During Semester | 5% |
One project final presentation (5 minutes) reporting outcomes and conclusions of the project. ILO 4 is addressed in this presentation
| During Semester | 5% |
One major project of 3000 words. ILOs 2, 3 and 4 are addressed in this project.
| End of semester | 45% |
Last updated: 24 May 2024