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Entrepreneurial Organisation (MGMT90227)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5On Campus (Parkville)
Availability | Semester 2 |
Fees | Look up fees |
This subject focuses on the design, structure, and processes for creating and managing an entrepreneurial enterprise both operationally and strategically. A key consideration will be the role of leaders and the challenges these leaders need to overcome over the phases in the life of the enterprise, through launch, growth and maturity. An understanding of the alignment of human resources, people and talent, leadership, culture and operational practices to match strategic goals as the entrepreneurial enterprise responds to the changing internal and external challenges is pivotal to the success of any entrepreneurial endeavour and will be a key focus of this subject. Furthermore, the subject will discuss new ways of organising that facilitate entrepreneurial outcomes, like, for example, the holacracy model, platform-based ecosystems, and the Rendanheyi model.
Intended learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:
- Evaluate alternative enterprise design options and critically develop a plan and strategy to enhance organisational entrepreneurship.
- Demonstrate an understanding of leadership, organisational structure, and organisational culture to best harness entrepreneurship in individuals, teams and the organisation at large.
- Understand and evaluate practices that help organisations attract, develop, motivate, retain and maximise the potential of entrepreneurial people in organisations.
Generic skills
- High level of development of problem-solving skills through cases and experiential activities
- Think critically, and organise knowledge, from consideration of the lecture material and readings
- Moderate level of development of creative ways of solving unfamiliar problems, through case studies
- Moderate level of development to learn to adopt new ideas, from participation in the lecture program
- Moderate level of development of planning effective work schedules, to meet the regular deadlines for submission of assessable work
- Moderate development of how to present an argument, by reflecting on those presented in the lecture series and readings
Last updated: 12 December 2024