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Ecosystem Internship (SCIE90027)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 25Off Campus
About this subject
Contact information
Summer Term
For application processing/enrolment – Contact Careers & Industry team with hyperlink of this form https://forms.your.unimelb.edu.au/4747166?SID=a3xOY000000018z
For assessments/LMS – Antanas Spokevicius avjs@unimelb.edu.au
Semester 1
For application processing/enrolment – Contact Careers & Industry team with hyperlink of this form https://forms.your.unimelb.edu.au/4747166?SID=a3xOY000000018z
For assessments/LMS – Antanas Spokevicius avjs@unimelb.edu.au
Semester 2
For application processing/enrolment – Contact Careers & Industry team with hyperlink of this form https://forms.your.unimelb.edu.au/4747166?SID=a3xOY000000018z
For assessments/LMS – Antanas Spokevicius avjs@unimelb.edu.au
Availability | Summer Term - Off Campus Semester 1 - Off Campus Semester 2 - Off Campus |
Fees | Look up fees |
This subject involves the definition and development of an internship placement in collaboration with the host institution. It has at its core a workplace project that will allow students to develop skills in project management, problem solving, multi-disciplinary workplace practice, institutional policy and strategy mapping, project reporting and communication.
This internship subject aims to provide students with a high-level employment experience with government, industry or non-government organisation (NGO). Students will develop a good understanding of potential employer expectations of Masters graduates and the skills required to function and excel in a workplace involved in the application of scientific research, technology, policy, planning or management.
With assistance from the subject coordinator, students will be required to source a host-institution and develop a workplace project in consultation with (a) representative(s) from the host institution. More information is available on the subject webpage here: https://science.unimelb.edu.au/study/internship-subjects. The student and academic supervisor then define and coordinate the internship placement and develop a workplace project in consultation with (a) representative(s) from the host institution.
Application for credit needs to be submitted via the Internships Portal at least 3 weeks prior to internship commencement and within the Key Dates mentioned on the website. However, students undertaking the Ecosystem Internship subject may have some additional flexibility for placements that extend beyond these dates. However, applications must be submitted before the application deadline. More information is available on the subject webpage here: https://science.unimelb.edu.au/students/plan-your-study/internship-subjects. If you have problems finding a placement you should contact the Careers & Industry team using the hyperlink of this form https://forms.your.unimelb.edu.au/4747166?SID=a3xOY000000018z
This project may relate to an applied science, technological, economic, social or management topic. Each student will prepare an ‘Internship Plan’ which includes relevant information about the project’s aims, context in relation to the institution, approaches to be used, relevant background knowledge and potential outputs to the host-institution. Students will then spend a period of 4-5 weeks (full-time equivalent; ca. 200 hours) working within their host institution i) gaining experience, ii) shadowing institution mentors and iii) working on their internship project. At completion of the internship placement, students will be required to present their findings to an audience, including members of the host-institution, in form of an ‘Internship Seminar’, and submit a ‘Main Report’ on their internship project.
Intended learning outcomes
This subject aims, through the completion of a defined project, to:
- Provide the student with opportunities to relate their formal academic learning to industry, government or NGO workplace practices, policies, problems and opportunities;
- Develop skills in how to effectively and collaboratively design a project that responds to an institution's policy, strategy or problem by working creatively in multi-disciplinary way to provide new knowledge or synthesise existing but disparate knowledge;
- Manage their own time, and the input of others, to successfully complete the internship project; report on project findings, and make recommendations to the host-institution;
- Promote professionalism in the workplace and a desire to continue in their chosen career by providing a positive and supportive academic and institutional internship experience.
Generic skills
Upon successful completion of the Ecosystems Internship, students should be able to demonstrate:
- Flexibility, adaptability, time management and organisational skills as a result of their participation in the workplace;
- The ability to communicate effectively in a professional workplace and to work with and interact with a wide range of people inside and outside their host organisations, including working in teams;
- Understanding of organisational culture and ethics, work practices, and the diversity of workplaces;
- Analytical, problem-solving research, and report-writing skills;
- The ability to manage and plan work;
- Capacity for initiative and enterprise;
- Capacity for lifelong learning, self-reliance and professional development.
Last updated: 14 January 2025