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Master of Applied Linguistics (MC-APLING) // Course structure
About this course
Program Director
Semester 1 - Dr Kellie Frost
Email: kmfrost@unimelb.edu.au
Semester 2 - Professor Carsten Roever
Email: carsten@unimelb.edu.au
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Currently enrolled students:
- Contact Stop 1
- General information: https://ask.unimelb.edu.au
Future students:
- Further information: http://graduate.arts.unimelb.edu.au/
- Contact: 'make an enquiry' on http://graduate.arts.unimelb.edu.au/degrees/3-master-of-applied-linguistics
Course structure
The Master of Applied Linguistics has three entry point programs: 200-point (two years full-time/up to four years part-time), 150-point (one and a half years full-time/up to three years part-time) and 100-point (one year full-time/up to two years part-time) programs.
Completion of one specialisation is required.
Please refer to individual Specialisations.
All required compulsory, foundation core selective and capstone subjects for your specialisation and entry point must be completed to be eligible to graduate from the program.
Capstone Requirement:
Capstone subject options must be completed in the final hundred points of the program. All students are required to complete one Capstone subject option (25 points). This requirement cannot be waived or replaced in any circumstances:
Capstone Stream 1: Minor thesis (50 points)
Purpose: an opportunity to integrate knowledge and research skills within the English Language specialisation or the TESOL specialisation or the Language Testing specialisation
Capstone Stream 2: LING90041 Projects in Applied Linguistics (25 points)
Purpose: an opportunity to integrate knowledge and skills from chosen specialisations: the English Language or the TESOL or the Language Testing to real-world projects
For policies that govern this degree, see the Courses, Subjects, Awards and Programs Policy in the University Melbourne Policy Library:
Students also should also refer to information in the Enrolment and Timetabling Policy:
Last updated: 12 December 2024