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Master of Environmental Engineering (MC-ENVENG) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
About this course
Keirnan Fowler
This course is available in My Course Planner
Professional accreditation
Engineers Australia and EUR-ACE® (EURopean- ACcredited Engineer)
The Master of Environmental Engineering is fully accredited by Engineers Australia and EUR-ACE® (EURopean- ACcredited Engineer)
Intended learning outcomes
On the successful completion of the Master of Environmental Engineering students will be able to:
- Apply advanced knowledge of the principles of environmental engineering underpinning sustainable development, including systems thinking and critical thinking, to environmental issues;
- Apply research principles and methods to problems in environmental engineering;
- Integrate theoretical knowledge and professional practice in environmental engineering;
- Investigate, analyse and synthesise complex information, problems, concepts and theories and to apply established theories to different bodies of knowledge or practice in environmental engineering;
- Model and evaluate complex ideas and concepts at an abstract level;
- Apply advanced knowledge in environmental planning, management, compliance and review to engineering problems;
- Justify and interpret theoretical propositions, methodologies, decisions; and design, evaluate, implement, analyse developments that contribute to professional practice or scholarship in the field of environmental engineering;
- Apply verbal and written communication skills to make a meaningful contribution to the changes facing society;
- Analyse, evaluate and communicate important issues relevant to sectors influenced by environmental engineering, such as the sustainability of resources, the efficient operation of all processes, the rise of automation and intelligent processes, and privacy and security in the age of the internet;
- Reflect and promote professional ethical behaviour and responsibilities towards their profession and the community, including having positive and responsible approaches to sustainable development, safety, management of information and professional integrity.
Generic skills
- An advanced understanding of the changing knowledge base in Environmental Engineering;
- An ability to evaluate and synthesise the research and professional literature in Environmental Engineering;
- Advanced skills and techniques applicable to Environmental Engineering;
- Well-developed problem-solving abilities in in Environmental Engineering, characterised by flexibility of approach;
- Advanced competencies in engineering professional expertise and scholarship;
- A capacity to articulate their knowledge and understanding in oral and written presentations;
- An advanced understanding of the international context and sensitivities of Environmental Engineering;
- An appreciation of the design, conduct and reporting of original research;
- A capacity to manage competing demands on time, including self-directed project work;
- A profound respect for truth and intellectual integrity, and for the ethics of scholarship;
- An appreciation of the ways in which advanced knowledge equips the student to offer leadership in the specialist area;
- The capacity to value and participate in projects which require team-work;
- An understanding of the significance and value of their knowledge to the wider community (including business and industry);
- A capacity to engage where appropriate with issues in contemporary society; and
- Advanced working skills in the application of computer systems and software and a receptiveness to the opportunities offered by new technologies.
Last updated: 17 February 2025