Place Making for The Built Environment (ABPL90404) // Assessment
Description | Timing | Percentage |
The Story of (My)Place: A Multimodal Case-Study Analysis (Individual work). Students will explore their own neighbourhood as a place and interrogate personal and communities place attachment through a small placemaking intervention
| Week 5 | 40% |
Embodying my placemaking learnings, an auto-ethnography ( (Individual work). Students to self-reflect on their learning experience, and linking this learning (autobiographical story) to wider contexts (e.g. cultural, political, and social meanings, academic literature)
| Week 12 | 20% |
Placemaking project( Group Work) : including final presentation( Week 10) and written report ( Week 12)
| From Week 10 to Week 12 | 40% |
Additional details
Place making project
- Presentation 10% (group), Week 12
- Report 30% (group),Week 14
Last updated: 4 March 2025