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Molecular and Cellular Biomedicine (BIOM20001) // Assessment
About this subject
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Semester 1
Subject Coordinator
Assoc Prof Odilia Wijburg
Dr Louise Adams
Administrative Coordination
Description | Timing | Percentage |
Written assignment (group work preparation - 4-6 students)
| Week 2 or week 3 | 0% |
2x written assignment (5% each) Throughout the teaching period
| Week 3 or Week 4 and Week 9 or Week 10 | 10% |
5x intra-semester test (10% each) Throughout the teaching period
| In Week 4, Week 6, Week 8, Week 10 and Week 12 | 50% |
2 x examinations Part 1: written exam, individual assignment, 2 hours (30%) Part 2: written exam, group (4-6 students) assignment, 1 hour (10%)
| During the examination period | 40% |
Must attend at least 80% of practical classes. Hurdle requirement: Must attend at least 80% of practical classes. | 0% |
Last updated: 12 December 2024