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Applied Computation in Bioengineering (BMEN20003) // Assessment
Description | Timing | Percentage |
Two individual programming assignments. 10% each, 10 hours per assignment. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) 1 - 4 are addressed in this assessment.
| From Week 3 to Week 7 | 20% |
Online quizzes. 30 minutes per quiz, 3% each, 15% total. 10 quizzes held during weeks 2-11 (best 5 scores taken). ILOs 1 - 2 are addressed in this assessment.
| Throughout the teaching period | 15% |
One team-based programming project (in teams of 3 - 4) 25 hours per student. ILOs 1 - 5 are addressed in this assessment.
| From Week 8 to Week 12 | 25% |
One 2-hour written examination. ILOs 1 - 5 are addressed in this assessment.
| During the examination period | 40% |
Last updated: 19 November 2024