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Evaluation of Wellbeing in Creative Arts (CREA90003)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5Online
Availability | Semester 1 - Online |
Fees | Look up fees |
This subject has been designed and developed for online delivery and assessment only.
This online subject introduces students to the practices of planning, assessment and evaluation that form a reflective cycle and underpin evidence-based approaches to arts-based programs. A range of existing methodologies from creative arts therapies research will be considered, across quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods, and will include arts-based approaches.
Students will engage critically with current practices in their field to develop skills and understandings that will support them to be reflective and effective arts practitioners. Fundamental to these endeavours is the concept of theory of change, with students learning to conceptualise what they are seeking to contribute with arts participants and how they will recognise progress towards desired outcomes.
This theoretical orientation will assist practitioners to meet the needs of participants while also being responsive to imperatives from other stakeholders that may include funders, host agencies and family and community members.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this subject, students should be able to:
- articulate knowledge about the reflective cycle of planning, assessment and evaluation as it is practiced in the creative arts therapies;
- set outcomes, and assess or measure change within an arts based program;
- expand their capacity to respond to the needs of participants and imperatives from other stakeholders in the therapeutic or arts context, through effective planning, assessment and evaluation.
Generic skills
On completion of this subject, students should be able to:
- communicate effectively in oral, written and digital forms;
- articulate, integrate and adapt knowledge from different domains;
- show interest in, and respect for others;
- integrate personal reflection into the creative process;
- respond openly and imaginatively to new ideas.
Last updated: 23 December 2024