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Master of Veterinary Science (872BB) // Course structure
About this course
Faculty of Science
Email: science-gr@unimelb.edu.au
Sebastien Bauquier
Course structure
Assessment will be weighted 75% to the research thesis and 25% to the practicum component. A pass is required in both components.
A candidate will have appropriately experienced supervisors and an Advisory Committee who, in consultation with the candidate, will arrange a course of supervised research designed to suit the individual requirements and interests of the candidate. A candidate may be required to supplement their research program by attendance at, or enrolment in, additional subjects if considered necessary by the supervisors.
There are two components to the MVSc:
1. Research thesis
Candidates will be required to undertake research culminating in the production of a thesis of no more than 30,000 words to be submitted for examination by two external examiners. The format of the thesis, including a statement on authorship, must follow prescriptions laid down by the University and found in the Masters by Research Generic Guidelines.
2. Practicum component
The practicum component of this program will be undertaken during enrolment in the MVSc. It will involve participation in clinical rounds, tutorials, seminars, and other similar activities, according to the candidate’s area of interest. The practicum component must be clearly related to the research project and will be in an area such as small animal medicine and surgery, anaesthesia, equine medicine and surgery, diagnostic imaging, dairy medicine, and pathology. The practicum component will be assessed by a three-hour written examination at the end of the candidacy and will contribute 25% to the final assessment for the degree.
Regular progress reporting requirements apply, such as a probationary period, confirmation report and seminar, and completion seminar.
Candidates in the Clinical Residency Training Program will be enrolled in this course on a part-time basis. They will be allocated a total of 30 weeks over a three-year period solely for pursuit of research for the degree. However, candidates will be expected to pursue components of the research, for example preparation of the literature review, collection of samples or other data, and some laboratory work, during the remaining weeks of their candidacy.
Subject options
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
VETS90027 | Master Thesis in Vet Science (Clinical) | Time-based Research (On Campus - Werribee) |
0 |
Practicum subjects (37.5 points)
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
VETS70002 | MVSc (Clinical) Practicum # PT |
Semester 1 (On Campus - Werribee)
Semester 2 (On Campus - Werribee)
6.25 |
Last updated: 18 December 2024