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Bachelor of Agriculture (B-AGR) // Notes
About this course
Prospective students:
Currently enrolled students:
Ros Gall rosgall@unimelb.edu.au
First Year Coordinator:
Sarah Frankland sarah.frankland@unimelb.edu.au
This course is available in My Course Planner
Principal Coordinator
Ros Gall
Q Fever
A core participation requirement of this course is that students agree to be vaccinated against Q Fever. Q Fever is a relatively common preventable condition which, while rarely fatal, can cause a severe acute illness and can result in damage to heart valves and chronic fatigue. A number of subjects offered in this course may place students at risk of exposure to Q Fever.
Q Fever screening and vaccination can be arranged through the University Health Service. The cost of the vaccination program is separate to tuition fees.
Further information: https://science.unimelb.edu.au/students/plan-your-study/q-fever-vaccinations
In accordance with the Assessment and Results Policy (MPF1326), Examiners may offer reassessment (as a second attempt at passing a subject for a borderline failure in a single subject) to a student enrolled in this course. A borderline failure is defined as a mark of 45% or more.
Last updated: 13 February 2025