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Master of Education (MC-ED) // Course structure
About this course
Helen Cozmescu
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Course structure
The Master of Education requires the successful completion of 200 credit points.
Note: Students who commenced prior to 2025 are to complete their degree following the course structure as per their year of entry/admission, including pre-2025 specialisations - unless advised otherwise. Exceptions occur where subjects have been discontinued and replacement subjects are available.
Entry Point Programs
200 point program
Students complete the course in 2 years of full time, or 4 years of part time study. These students must complete the 50 credit points of compulsory subjects, 50 points of Foundations subjects and either the Final 100 Points ‘Option 1’ or ‘Option 2’. Students can only progress to enroll in the Foundations subjects (second 50 points) if they have passed all four compulsory first 50 point subjects.
150 point program
Students with advanced standing for the first 50 points of study may complete the course in 18 months of full time, or three years of part time study. These students must complete the 50 points of Foundations subjects and either the Final 100 Points ‘Option 1’ or ‘Option 2’.
100 point program
Students with advanced standing for the first 100 points of study may complete the course in one year of full time, or two years of part time study. These students must complete either the Final 100 Points ‘Option 1’ or ‘Option 2’.
Capstone option
In the final-semester Capstone subject, students undertake a research-based inquiry project directly related to their own professional practice and/or within their area of specialisation.
Research option
The Research subjects may be selected by students who achieve an average of at least H2A (75%) in the:
• First 125 points of their course (standard 200-point course); or
• First 100 points of their course (students with 50 points advanced standing); or
• First 50 points of their course (students with 100 points advanced standing).
The research subjects are designed for students intending to later pursue a graduate research degree, such as a PhD. They provide a grounding in educational research methodology and include the design and completion of a supervised research project in education.
Choice of specialisation may depend on subject prerequisites. Please check the Handbook entries of the relevant specialisation subjects for information.
Elective subjects
The Electives are drawn from the same overall set of subjects as the Specialisations, hence:
• Students completing a formal Specialisation must select their Electives from other discipline areas.
• Students not completing a formal Specialisation select their entire ’75-points or 50-points of Electives’ component from the Electives subject list.
• Subject selection may depend on prerequisites. Please check the subject Handbook entries for information.
Alternative Exit Point
An early exit point is available for students who commence the Masters, but later decide to not complete the whole course. These students may exit the Master of Education^, and apply to graduate with one of the following awards:
• A Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies (GD-EDST), if they have satisfied the requirements for that award during their enrolment in this master's course (i.e., successfully completed the prescribed first 100 credit points of study of the 200-credit point master degree); or
• A Graduate Certificate in Education (GC-EDGEN), if they have satisfied the requirements for that award during their enrolment in this master degree course (i.e. successfully completed 50 credit points of study).
^Students must discontinue their enrolment in the MC-ED without completing the award, to be conferred the exit award.
Last updated: 23 January 2025